Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Press power by the bucket load

Gerard Henderson in today's Sydney Morning Herald...
  Power of the press a lot less muscular than some imagine
 "This lack of self-awareness is perhaps greater within the ABC. Some ABC journalists express concern about the possibility of a lack of diversity within Fairfax Media under Rinehart's possible influence without recognising that the ABC does not have one conservative presenter for any of its significant programs. It has one presenter who boasts about his support for the left and another on the left who declares that she is an activist. Yet no conservatives, activist or otherwise. The ABC managing director, Mark Scott, talks about the commercial media's "market failure". However, for the ABC, market success amounts to going to Canberra and getting a bucket-load of taxpayers' money. Meanwhile the ABC's uninhibited move into online news and opinion projects a market distortion into attempts by Fairfax Media and News Limited to move more of their products online. Which suggests that the ABC is a much greater threat to the private sector media than Rinehart or any other potential investor."

Gerard Henderson is the executive director of the Sydney Institute.


  1. I am looking forward to an Abbott government selling the ABC off.

  2. Pay 4 View.ABC on Fox!


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